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Base product

Node AM/A+ Universal Multi-Band, Multi-Service, Software Based Repeater Platform for Mobile Applications

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Product variants

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Output Power @ One Carrier Output Power @ One Carrier Regional Availability Product Type Gain, typical License Band
7761303-00 | DCM AF 7524 7761303-00 | DCM AF 7524
Node A+/ Node AM Digital Channel Module (DCM) medium power for LTE 700
24 dBm 27 dBm Asia | Australia/New Zealand RF repeater unit 80 dB LTE 700
7761306-00 | DCM AF 7524L 7761306-00 | DCM AF 7524L
Node A+/ Node AM Digital Channel Module (DCM) medium power for LTE 700
24 dBm 27 dBm EMEA RF repeater unit 80 dB LTE 700
7843335-00 | DCM AF 7524L/2625 7843335-00 | DCM AF 7524L/2625
Node A+/ Node AM Digital Channel Module (DCM) dual band medium power for LTE 700 and LTE2600
24 dBm LTE (Band 1) + 25 dBm LTE (Band 2) 26 dBm LTE (Band 1) + 27 dBm LTE (Band 2) EMEA RF repeater unit 70 dB (Band 1) + 72 dB (Band 2) LTE 700 (Band 1) + LTE 2600 (Band 2)
Features and benefits
Node A—universal multiband, multiservice digital repeater platform

Whether your application calls for band selective, channel selective or a combination of both, the Node A platform is capable of meeting the needs of any single band/single operator requirements or can be expanded to address full multiband/multiple operator applications.

The “A” stands for technology “agnostic”, meaning—regardless of protocols, spectrum reassignments, or whatever new wireless technologies may emerge—you’ll be able to support it on Node A with minimal changes.

Node A’s modular scalable architecture allows the user to quickly modify, upgrade or expand the repeater platform by simply adding RF cards and software features.

The platform is available in medium- and high-power classes, making it ideal for driving both passive and optical distributed antenna systems for medium to large facilities.

Product specification

Product specification