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Log Periodic DAS Antennas for enhanced wireless coverage

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Features and benefits
To add spot coverage in high-traffic areas, Andrew offers a family of distributed antenna systems (DAS), mounting hardware and accessories that enhance wireless coverage. Designed for simple installation and minimal visual impact, our in-building and outdoor antennas feature a multi-band design that supports a wide range of frequencies with one small antenna.

Andrew’s family of DAS antennas are designed to add spot coverage in difficult-to-cover areas such as buildings, parking garages, airports and stadiums. Each antenna is designed to support all current and future 5G applications and engineered for high performance. For example, with our low-PIM antennas, we pay particular attention to details. That’s why we solder all joints and utilize only the best quality components — from copper elements to low-PIM connectors and pigtails — resulting in products that deliver homogeneous patterns and higher gain values where it matters.

General specifications

Antenna Type Log periodic

General specifications

Antenna Type Log periodic

Product specification

Product specification