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Cold Shrink Kits for Coaxial Connections

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Product variants

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Product Brand Product Type Cable Diameter for Seal, maximum Cable Diameter for Seal, minimum
241475-13 241475-13
Cold shrink Kit for 22.1 mm (0.87 in) to 7.37 mm (0.29 in) connections
HELIAX® Cold shrink kit 22.1 mm | 0.870 in 7.37 mm | 0.29 in
245171 245171
Cold shrink Kit for 27.99 mm (1.1 in) to 7.37 mm (0.29 in) connections
HELIAX® Cold shrink kit 27.99 mm | 1.102 in 7.37 mm | 0.29 in
245172 245172
Cold shrink Kit for 51.05 mm (2.0 in) to 7.37 mm (0.29 in) connections
HELIAX® Cold shrink kit 51.05 mm | 2.010 in 7.37 mm | 0.29 in
245173 245173
Cold shrink Kit for 16 mm (0.62 in) to 10.54 mm (0.41 in) connections
HELIAX® Cold shrink kit 16 mm | 0.630 in 10.54 mm | 0.415 in
245174 245174
Cold shrink Kit for 27.99 mm (1.1 in) to 13.46 mm (0.52 in) connections
HELIAX® Cold shrink kit 27.99 mm | 1.102 in 13.46 mm | 0.530 in
Cold shrink kit for Ericsson RRU power connector or for 27.99 mm (1.1 in) cables to 10.54 mm (0.41 in) connections
HELIAX® Cold shrink kit 27.99 mm | 1.102 in 10.54 mm | 0.415 in

Product classification

Product Type Cold shrink kit
Product Brand HELIAX®

General specifications

Application Provides additional moisture seal for cable connections
Color Black

Material specifications

Material Type EPDM rubber

Environmental specifications

UV Resistance Test Method UV condensation reference ASTM-G-53, light source UVA 340 fluorescent lamp
UV Resistance, minimum with no degradation ≥1000 hours
Weather Resistance Test Method 04AS00-03.6.0 | MIL-STD-1344A, Method 1002

Product classification

Product Type Cold shrink kit
Product Brand HELIAX®

General specifications

Application Provides additional moisture seal for cable connections
Color Black

Material specifications

Material Type EPDM rubber

Environmental specifications

UV Resistance Test Method UV condensation reference ASTM-G-53, light source UVA 340 fluorescent lamp
UV Resistance, minimum with no degradation ≥1000 hours
Weather Resistance Test Method 04AS00-03.6.0 | MIL-STD-1344A, Method 1002